maanantai 12. syyskuuta 2016

Photographer Nick Ut: The Napalm Girl 1972 Napalm Girl Photo, Photographer Nick Ut

Eräs älyn jättiläinen kommentoi amerikkalaisten historian tuntemusta kommenteissa. Kyllä amerikkalaiset muistavat oikeinkin hyvin Vietnamin sodan. Heitä kaatui siellä noin 60 000 ja haavoittui 153 000. Kymmenettuhannet kärsivät psyykkisistä sairauksista sodan jälkeen ja kymmenettuhannet tekivät itsemurhan sodan jälkeen. Kierrätysjärjestelmä pyöritti Vietnamin sodassa noin viisi miljoonaa amerikkalaista, joten luulisi sodan olevan pysyvästi kansakunnan muistissa. Vietnamin sodan veteraaneilla on lisäksi omat järjestönsä yhä olemassa.

Roisto Nixon epäili kuvaa aidoksi.

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Photographer Nick Ut: The Napalm Girl
1972 Napalm Girl Photo, Photographer Nick Ut

On June 8, 1972, AP Photographer Nick Ut captured what would become a Pulitzer Prize winning photo depicting children fleeing from a Napalm bombing during the Vietnam War. In the center of the frame running towards the camera was a naked 9-year-old girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, also known as 'Napalm Girl.' In 1973, AP Photographer Nick Ut won the Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Photography for "The Terror of War", his photograph featuring Phan Thị Kim Phúc. The image was unprecedented at the time for the Associated Press news wire, due to full frontal nudity depicted of the bombing victims. Although somewhat controversial, Ut’s fellow Associated Press colleagues, Hal Buell and Horst Faas deemed the photograph news-worthy and its value overrode the nudity in the image and it was widely distributed on the AP newswire. The photograph is thought to be one of the most memorable photographs of the 20th century.